
Un team colorato ed energico sempre pronto alla prossima avventura

Marco Fossati

Partner & Managing Director

I worked as marketing manager in retail destinations in Italy and abroad for McArthurGlen. From branding to promotional calendars management, from brand partnerships to event planning: all around retail activation! Today I leverage all I’ve learnt in my past experiences for Nuvole’s team and for all of our clients. This is absolutely the most thrilling match I’ve ever played.

  • Marketing Management
  • Brand Management
  • Retail strategy and trade planning
"Occhi sempre aperti sulla visione d’insieme."

Benedetta Soffientini

Partner & Account Director

I love my job. I love building beautiful and effective campaigns. That process starting from a host of schizophrenic / random / irrational information around the legendary ‘consumer’ cliché and leading to a shoot, a text, the choice of a billboard, a website. It’s an hocus-pocus, it’s poetry, it’s a job, it’s luck.

  • Communication strategy
  • Media consultancy
  • Insight planning
  • Fast thinker
  • Team lover
"Dove non vanno i fungaioli, non ci sono funghi. (cit sig.ra Luisa)"

Marcus Willox

Partner & Strategy Director

Founder and CEO of several London-based retail communications agencies with international clients and footprint, I have more than 30 years of experience in Retail Strategic Planning. To be honest, I am extremely demanding: not only of colleagues, but also of clients. My passion drives me to identify the right behavioural insights behind the most effective Retail Conversion Ideas. The ones that result in compelling and distinctive creative…that work!

  • Commercial, strategic and creative planning
  • Retail Conversion
  • Idea management
  • Channel mix planning
"Everyday is a sunny day!"

Marco Ferrari

Creative Director

Director, Creative Director, Visual Artist, Producer and much more: I have been working on static and moving images for more than 20 years.
Multidisciplinary and creative, always looking for new styles and techniques, I have had the opportunity to play different roles in the field of communication: from conceiving and writing creative concepts as an author, to developing and producing even very complex projects, like films.

I love the rhythm and atmosphere of Nuvole: it’s a place where you feel good.


  • Creative direction
  • Cinematography
  • Post-production editing
  • Motion graphics design
"Amo le creatività a lungo termine, con le gambe lunghe, puntuali e precise per lasciare il segno, ma flessibili e malleabili per poter prendere forme diverse e durare nel tempo."

Annalisa Gibi

Team Leader & Senior Account Manager

Born and raised in Milan, where I studied and started my career, I lived a few years in China, eager to discover new perspectives. I predicate independence and eccentricity to my children. When I get involved, I get a little irreverent. I also like Excel. And problem solving.

  • Project Management
  • Content producer
  • Budget management
  • Client relationship
"Sto salendo sull’aereo ma dimmi."

Rossana Biglieri

Team Leader & Studio Manager

Rebellious, emotional and resolute, I hop between pixels and toys chasing new ideas and beautiful dreams every day. Constantly balancing between the gentle chaos of my merry tribe and the light, reassuring stroke of a graphic pen.

  • Graphic design
  • Digital design
  • Photo editing
"La mia casa continuerà a viaggiare su due gambe e i miei sogni non avranno frontiere. (Che Guevara)"

Giulia Ciarlo

Psycho planner both at work and in my life, always with my head in the clouds.
My creative ‘washing machine’ is full of everything, including a weakness for fashion (touché!), arts, design, focaccia and Zoe’s purr. I’ve learnt not to be mean when it comes to my dreams. And also that team working goes with everything, like black.

  • Project management
  • Budget management
  • Problem solving
  • Client relationship
  • (Obsessive) Attention to details
"Molla gli ormeggi, salpa dal porto sicuro. Esplora. Sogna. Scopri. (M. Twain)"

Emilù Nizzo

Team Leader & Channel planner

Uncontrollable propensity to care (for both projects and human beings). Ruthless tension for the correction of myself and others. I’m a nerd, but one of those who bends over backwards to pass you my homework.
If I’m lost for words I always know where to find them.


  • Social media
  • Copywriting
  • Planning & digital strategy
"Qualunque temporanea elargizione di grazia, basta che funzioni. (Woody Allen)"

Sylvie Spark

Brand and Retail Strategic Planner
It’s my joy to work together, to light the path for retail brands’ growth opportunity…
to enjoy together a rigorous exploration, digging in the data to know more about the brand, its markets and people.
To find the clear direction for the brand, as an organising thought, with a compelling purpose, an inspiring experience, a story to tell others, and a valued reason to buy.
  • Retail brand builder strategy
  • Psychology
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Behavioural Economics
"Amo sentirmi parte dell'esperienza culturale - le conversazioni, il cibo, l'architettura, la moda; con tutti i punti in comune e le differenze."

Mirco Raffinetti

IT project manager

An IT engineer, I have been involved in design and technical support for our customers for 15 years. From the most basic wordpress to the most refined custom site, via eCommerce and CRM.
I love facing new technological challenges with enthusiasm and determination.
In my offline life I pump up my adrenaline with my enduro bike.

"Ci penso e ti dico se e come si può fare."

Carlo Alberto Ziliani

Finance manager

When I was born it was so hot that Wikipedia dedicated a page to that July of ’83. With that in mind, I love autumn. But also music, soccer and reading.
However, I waste most of my free time studying the “Beautiful Game” in order to avoid showing up unprepared for the final match.

  • Amministrazione
  • Contabilità analitica
  • Financial Management
"Gli scacchi sono il più cospicuo spreco di intelligenza umana che puoi trovare al di fuori di un’agenzia di pubblicità. (Raymond Chandler)"

Lidia Acciavatti

Office Manager

Patient and thoughtful, I tidy up everything I touch, like the King Midas of administration. I cook out of passion and because I love to nurture others, at home as well as at work. Between a couple’s dance, a good book and a castle tour with my son, I always have my phone in my hands to answer colleagues: hello honey!

  • Amministrazione
  • Accounting
"Ciò che si fa per amore è fatto bene. (Vincent Van Gogh)"

Vittorio Sezzella

Graphic Designer & Photographer

I have always made my voice heard through the visual and musical arts.
Born as a designer, academically trained, fascinated by the masters and art history, I developed my passion over the years between exhibitions and museums. I love being enmeshed in the analog and digital worlds, photography, fonts and layouts.

  • Creative Graphic
  • Art Direction
  • Design Photo
"Ogni bambino è un artista; il problema è come restare tale una volta cresciuti. (Pablo Picasso)"

Letizia Lasagna

Junior Account Manager

Sunny, funny and determined. I am a serial planner, at work as well as in my personal life. I bounce from a media plan to a Crossfit box like a cat…all the while thinking of the next prank to pull on my beloved colleagues.

  • Project Management
  • Problem solving
  • Client relationship
  • English, Russian, French and Spanish speaker
"Sii gentile e abbi coraggio (Cenerentola, il film)"

Martina Laguzzi

Account executive

Organised, precise, an aesthete, always hungry for new ideas.
Professionally, I’m crazy about that process that starts from a mere picture and leads to a 360-degree integrated campaign.
In private life I love fashion, team sports, and travelling the world (and filling my gallery with Instagrammable photos).

  • Social media
  • Content creation
  • Project Management
"Non smettere mai di sognare, solo chi sogna impara a volare. (Peter Pan)"

Giulia Perassolo

Junior account manager

Angelic spirit with a heart of ice, which easily melts at the sight of set of pastel highlighters.
I alternate photos of kittens and tea with Pan di Stelle to combat planning stress.
What if a plan jumps off the schedule? No problem: I stop, reopen the draft and update the spreadsheet.

  • Project Management
  • Problem solving
  • Client relationship
  • English, Russian, French and Spanish speaker
"La vita è ciò che ti accade mentre sei occupato a fare altri progetti. (John Lennon)"

Marzia Guido

Graphic Designer

Curious, cynical, sensitive, always looking for new inspiration, sporty and tireless loafer. I thought I was going to be a philosopher or mathematician, but I was unexpectedly won over by design, which is able to unite and bring my varied personalities together peacefully. It is beautiful. It is terrible. It is wonderful.

  • Graphic design
  • Digital design
  • Video e photo editing
"Adoro il caos, ma detesto l’imprecisione. (Mario Andrea Rigoni)"

Brunella Rizzo

Graphic Designer

I am a creative and dreamy soul with my feet firmly planted on solid Guidelines.
I fly between programs and layouts with extreme flexibility, precision and meticulous dedication, as only a dancer can.
I’m usually peaceful and seraphic, but be careful about renaming files, otherwise I become a fury!

  • Art Direction
  • Creative design
"Se puoi sognarlo, puoi farlo. (Walt Disney)"

Giada Pippo

Social Media Manager

Still in the “why” phase and black belt in syllogism, I obsessively look for food for thought to share.
For much of the day, I climb a pole with one hand and post things on social media with the other. When I was born, June 2 was not a public holiday.

  • Social media
  • Community builder
  • Copywriting
"Perché esiste qualcosa e non piuttosto il nulla? (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz)"

Vincenzo Priolo

Account Executive

I am dynamic, ironic and always optimistic: in the delirium of an agency day, I have no trouble staying calm and not even the most peremptory “ASAP!” upsets me. I like working as part of a team and constantly challenging myself.
When I switch off my computer, I play padel (poorly) or go to the theatre with friends to see stand-up comedians.

  • Project Management
  • Problem solving
  • Client relationship
"Piedi per terra e testa tra le nuvole."

Melissa Giussanti

Social Media Manager

Each morning I wake up and know that I will have to run faster than my anxiety. Though, during the run I enjoy writing copy and selecting assets for a perfect PED.
My fuel? The love of my work, of food (lots of food) and my constant desire to cross the finish line first.

  • Social media
  • Community builder
"Il futuro appartiene a coloro che credono nella bellezza dei propri sogni. (Eleanor Roosevelt)"

Luca Paolillo

Graphic designer

A thoughtful dreamer, between a pencil sketch and some vectors with a graphic pen, I try
to express my vision of reality through graphic design. I move between guides and grids
and mix everything daily with a good dose of alternative rock in my headphones.

  • Graphic design
  • Digital design
  • Illustration
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. (Oscar Wilde)"

Roberta Quaranta

Account Executive

Always competing with myself and a funambulist of life, I swing between insecurities and instincts always throwing myself headlong into all challenges.
Eclectic and introspective, I firmly keep watch over deadlines every day but I truly feel myself in the creative brainstorming atmosphere.

  • Project Management
  • Problem solving
  • Client relationship
"Se mi concentro, il Brasile lo invento. (Baustelle)"

Arianna Ghiglione

Social Media Manager

Bridging two generations, I talk about POV but always take notes with a pen and paper. With a book in one hand and the new TikTok trends in the other, I love reading in silence as much as developing the next strategy surrounded by the noise of my team.
With techno in my headphones, there’s no social media content calendar that can stand in the way of my creativity.

  • Social Media Management
  • Community Management
  • English, German, French and Spanish speaker
"Gutta cavat lapidem. (Proverbio latino)"

Beatrice Fagà

Graphic designer

I’m in love with the pleasures of life, from the art of wine to music. Out of the box but always inside media plans, I am a true “indie” account handler: I self-brief and give feedback to myself.
I never stop learning: I put my baby boomer face on, I geek out, and then I crank out yet another workflow in the staging environment.

  • Project Management
  • Client relationship
"Possiamo essere eroi, anche solo per un giorno. (David Bowie)"

Francesca Segnan

Content Creator

I love anything that is art. I live on images, taken and painted, which I turn into assets for social media, switching from SLR to smartphone between moderation.
In my spare time I paint, read, and lose myself into the wild. Continually seeking new adventures, with pockets full of Baci di Dama, so not to fly away.

  • Social media
  • Community builder
"Il grado di libertà di un uomo si misura dall'intensità dei suoi sogni. (Alda Merini)"

Ilaria Mobilia

Social Media Manager

Curiosity, proactivity and a good dose of FOMO are the ingredients that have always pushed me to explore the world of social media, first as a user and then as an insider.
If it is true that our feeds tell our story, mine is full of videos of concerts, markets, vintage and loads and loads of memes.

  • Social Media
  • Meta ads
  • Content Creation
"Il telefono mi serve per esprimermi e più raramente per comunicare. (Fulminacci)"

Katherine Pizarro

Graphic design

Sunny and carefree, I live between a salsa step and the final draft in Indesign. My head is always swimming with dreams and affections, eyes perpetually open to new impulses and objectives in the hope of finding new places to carry in the luggage of my memories.

  • Graphic design
  • Digital design
"Fai della tua vita un sogno, e di un sogno, una realtà. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)"

Marco D'Antuono

Video Editor - Content Creator

Curious by nature and keen to learn, I am magnetically attracted to anything new.
After graduating in Graphic Design, I chose to specialise in animation: definitely the future – and present – of visual communication the way I see it.
Whenever I have some free time, I love planning and organising, practicing critical thinking and being around my four-legged friends.

  • Graphic design
  • Motion design
  • Video editing
"First things first (Manifesti 1964-200)"