
Making pawn credit aspirational.


Services Analisi strategica del cliente e del mercato Branding Campaign shoot organisation and management Communication plan development Consulenza strategica Creative development Gestione e organizzazione shooting di campagna Market research Ricerche di mercato Strategic analysis of clients and markets Strategic consultancy Sviluppo piano di comunicazione Channels

Press offline and online, website, POS/BTL, Events

The challenge

To be known and recognised as the biggest company active in the credit estimation sector in Italy in order to consolidate and increase its business volume. To go beyond the restrictive approach of the past, linked to the state of need and necessity, to create a new brand characterised by emotional outreach, based on the strong and positive dimension of desires and passions.

Revealing a human side, communicating a transition to multiservice, to bring closer and publicise a world that is accessible and reliable, even though it may seem exactly the opposite.

The solution

Making pawnbroking aspirational! A new brand strategy that transforms a functional approach linked to need and necessity into a new, emotional world, based on the strong and positive dimension of desires and passions.

A conversion strategy for a wider and more heterogeneous target.